Monday: 0. Got home from practice and was too beat.
Tuesday: Walked Jimmy after practice. Did some dynamic drills with team. Lifted upperx3 in evening.
Wednesday: 0.
Thursday: 0.
Friday: 0. Lifted Upperx2.
Saturday: 0. Threw jav, disc, and shot today for 3 hours at school. Back feels great. Nice walk in the afternoon with some short sprints. I haven't felt like running for some reason.
Sunday: Lifted upperx3. Really I was benching for 1 max rep. The first two sets were warm-up. I hit 220 on the machine. I didn't try 230 because 220 felt so hard. I wish I tried it. Yesterday's throwing session got me excited about being powerful. I woke up feeling great today. I went to Bratt track after lifting and did 5x40 meter sprints plus 2x100. I also did about ten minutes of dynamic drills. Fun stuff. Here's a song that will get you pumped for sprinting.
Days lifting: 3
Running: 1 - sprinting = no mileage.
Tuesday: 9 inches of snow and no school. I ran 3 on the roads w/Jimmy. It turned to sleet while I was out there. I got a lot of WTF looks by guys in plow trucks and people snow blowing there driveways. I lifted around noon upperx2. I've been bored since. I'm still grateful for the snow day though. Track should be interesting with snow on the ground.
Wednesday: 2 miles easy at practice. Thursday: 2 miles in the evening w/Jimmy. I saw 3 wood ducks in the swamp by my house. I lifted at night. Track makes for a long day at school. Friday: 0. Saturday: Groin is pulled. Can't run.
Sunday: Lifted upperx3 in am. Shot hoops after lifting.
Weekly total: 7 Days lifting: 3 Last week: 10.5 2013 YTD: 129.5
Wednesday: 3 miles w/Jimmy on rail trail. Feel stiff and slow. What should I expect with the little amount of activity I've been getting? Thursday: 0. Friday: 0. This is shaping up to be a pathetic week. Saturday: 3. Roads w/ Jimmy. Very easy pace. Lifted upperx3 in afternoon. Sunday: 4.5 w/Jimmy and Griffin on RT. Started very conservatively then I pushed it home. Another weak week. Injuring my achilles threw off my groove. I'm just getting it back. My lifting has suffered a little too. I was pleased to hit sets of 180 on the bench machine and to get 200 on Saturday. Monday track starts. I would like to get in the 20's for mileage next week.
Weekly total: 10.5 Days lifting: 2 Last week: 7.5 2013 YTD: 122.5
Monday: Lifted upper#1x2. This was a pretty wimpy lifting session. I got it in quick right after work. I was even wearing my school clothes. Stiff but not a lot of pain. Tuesday: 2 miles on RT w/Jimmy. I had meetings after school and not much energy. I also still felt stiff and fat. I waddled the 2 miles. I feel about 2% looser after my waddle which is better than 0 percent. Still no pain, but no flexibility. Wednesday: 0. Thursday: 1.5 roads w/Jimmy. Friday: 0. Saturday: 0. Lifted upperx3 early am. I went fishing all morning. I should have run. I saw an otter. No fish. Sunday: 4 w/Jimmy Reservoir rd. Nice morning. I went fishing again late morning - same results. Weekly total: 7.5 Days lifting: 2 Last week: 11 2013 YTD: 112